Delivering a highly curated event experience for TEDx using audience intelligence

Delivering a highly curated event experience for TEDx using audience intelligence

Delivering a highly curated event experience for TEDx using audience intelligence

Delivering a highly curated event experience for TEDx using audience intelligence

Blue Flower

TEDx, a global curated event network, is a grassroots initiative aligned with TED Conferences’ mission of discovering and spreading "ideas worth sharing." The goal is to spark conversation, connection and community.

TEDx Santa Monica aimed to enhance its event by improving the relevancy of its content and gaining even more accolades. To achieve these goals, they enlisted AccessFuel to gain deeper insights into their audiences, ensuring more effective content and marketing campaigns.

The key question they sought to answer was: "How can we optimize programming to deliver the most compelling event experience?"


Upon auditing the current state of their data, AccessFuel developed a plan to shift from isolated, underutilized data to a customer-centric approach in event production. The process involved consolidating data from various systems into one, centralized database. Leveraging multiple data partners, AccessFuel then surfaced valuable insights about their attendees as well as contacts in their database/CRM, including demographics, geographic locations, interests, purchasing affinities, and overarching topic preferences.


With a deeper understanding, the event organizers discovered a profound understanding of their attendees and their interests. This enabled the creation of a highly curated experience, along with targeted blog content, social media, email campaigns, and paid advertising efforts.

AccessFuel eliminated guesswork, facilitating data-driven decisions that positively impacted event aspects such as content, marketing, operations, sponsorship sales, and production. 

Notably, attendees were impressed when the process was shared at the event's outset. The realization of an even more highly curated event experience than initially expected left a lasting impression on both organizers and attendees alike.

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